Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas Foodies and Goodies

spicy prawn

Guys, this spread is a product of the photography workshop of Ms. Jojie Alcantara wherein two of my daughters were participants. All I prepared and served last Christmas were captured on cam. Even the younger ones tried their mettle in photography and I loved it because I saw and experienced first hand the joy in their eyes as they took turns in clicking the cam with my kitchen masterpiece as subject.

stuffed pusit

lechon paksiw
( cooked into paksiw because we picked it up at around 4 pm yet from Ryans)

sweet and sour fish
(can't find Lapu-lapu in the market so I settled for Kitang fish)

chicken macaroni salad

wine and fruits

goldilocks brownies

christmas themed chocolate cupakes ( my kidz luvd it most)